Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Au feu les pompiers...

At around noon today there was police cars and fire trucks in the street again. Our building is at a corner, and from the building diagonally opposed to ours there was a thick grey smoke coming out the window. People in the streets. Then the cops and firemen arrived. Some of the firemen entered the building, others went on the roof using their big ladder, while one seemed to have a hell of a time breaking all the windows.

I jumped on my camera and then thought it might show a certain lack of deontology of mine but then I saw two local thugs taking pictures from their cell phones while one of them was posing, pointing at the smoking building like a tourist in front of a pyramid, so I thought what the hell and took a couple of pictures at each new stage (except when the firemen starting to throw personal belongings and clothes and furniture out the windows because it would just have felt downright dirty.)

A couple days ago, at around 1 a.m. I saw flashing lights from the streets as I was working on my translation so I looked outside and saw a couple of police cars, doors still open in the middle of the street down on our block. One of them was a black, unmarked Impala. Then more police cars came in very fast and stopping short. Policemen rushing out as soon as the car stopped. And then a group of 5 or 6 policemen came around the corner of my building, running. There was a comic aspect to it. Like in the Blues Brothers when more and more cops are after them and once they enter the building in Chicago you have all the cops (street, horse, boat) and the National guard arriving.

I still don't know what happened that night, a few doors from mine. But, really, you don't want to attract the attention of that many cops. Can't be good for you.

I'm not a big cop fan. Never have. (Even though I think I like NY cops better than French cops.) But firemen, yeah. Now that's different.

When I'm grown up I want to be a firemen and ride the big red truck.


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