Thursday, December 30, 2004

Been there. Done that.

You know this situation, don't you? Been there before. When everything seems to be falling apart and you make the wrong choices. The inevitable ones. Those you don't really make. You just cannot avoid them.

And you don't want to hurt anybody. 'Course not. Maybe that's what even drove you right into the wall. But in the end, everybody gets hurt all the same.

Wednesday, December 29, 2004

dazed & confused


Saturday, December 25, 2004

Whoever you are...


Thursday, December 23, 2004


(I like to put words like that in the title line. Makes me feel like I'm almost smart)

Rainy day or not, today is also my birthday.

Pieces (of Ass)

Really, it's not what you think.

On Tuesday, I went to Dodger Stages to watch a play. Sara had those invitations and she felt that I qualified more to go with her than the gay friend of her with whom she usually goes to the theater.

So here am I, on Tuesday night, sitting on the second row, watching those hot chicks doing their Sex-and-the-City-type monologues. It's not really a play. There is no plot. Each girl come on stage one after the other, often in a sexy outfit (different kind of sexy with every girl -- the lesbian pom-pom girl, the sophisticated brunette, the playboy bunny blond etc.) and they tell their stories in a smart, sarcastic and funny (sometimes moving too) way. Oh yeah, and there's also this petite blonde who acts like a brainless-ingenue European young woman, it's hilarious. The book says that the actress has spent some time in Europe, which is probably where she picked up her very good French. She does her monologue at 100 words/second in this language while an obviously inaccurate translation is displayed on the screen.

After that I went to see my boss at the restaurant. I haven't really worked there since I took the GRE test. After that, I was busy doing my application (those fucking transcripts are still somewhere between France and the US, nobody really knows and it drives me crazy!!!). But my boss owed me money. I am not a money-driven person. Really, all I want is enough to pay the rent, food and books. But I have two rules that I cannot go against. I never borrow money. And never let someone not pay back the money he owes you (of course, I'm not talking about friends here).

The second rule seems tough like that. But it's actually that I'm a very nice and understanding person and when I deem that I've been waiting too long it means that you would be flirting with the fish in the East River if it was the Mafia that had lended it to you. I'm too nice too long. But when I decide that it's over now, you better walk the line.

So after the theater I go to see my boss and I am the lucky recipient of his two-hour ranting about how bad business is etc. So right away I know he doesn't have my money. Rent time is only a few days away, I've been waiting for that money (my tips) for almost two months, I gave him a 2-day notice so really la moutarde me monte au nez, as we say at home. After two hours of his bullshit (he was supposed to have a friend come here to give me the money) I tried to explain it to him that in business circomstances, I really hate to have to ask twice for money I've been waiting for. He says that, well, you don't do what you like in life and maybe NY will teach me something etc..

I said, "You don't understand. But it's OK. You think you know me, that's all."

And I really really take it hard upon myself not to pick up that bottle in front of me and smash it on his head, jump over the counter and kick the shit out of him.

Instead, I tell him that I am not going to come here ten times for nothing like that (I've seen that happen often with other waiters or his partners). Tomorrow I come here, and my money better be there too.

I went back home and started reading. Sent a casual email to my cool lawyer. And out of boredom created a profile on Friendster. Not thinking much about if.

The next day I was amazed to find several replies to my profile and more came in as I started replying to the first ones, wondering if it's gonna be possible to keep up or if I'll need to hire a secretary soon.

I went to pick up a check at my ex-work place for reading manuscripts in French for them. Then I went to the restaurant. I knew right away that he didn't have the money. I stood at the counter, saying nothing, while he was talking and talking and talking and swiping the floor and cleaning this and that. Avoiding everything. Me, talking about the reason I was here, eyes contact, his dead-end situation. I really thought I was going to have to "talk" to him. And then he must have got some of my bad vibes because we went in the basement and he signed me a check.

Now I can pay my rent. No matter how bad the situation is, I make it a point of honor of putting the rent money on the table every first day of the month. If it sounds stupidly cocky to you, then you've never been in shit deep enough yet.

That night, I went to meet this Friendster cool girl at Bar Tabac. We have a deal that I will teach her bass or guitar and she'll teach me turntables and scratching, which sounds really great. Also, I know that New Yorkers have this polite attitude of saying "we'll definitely see each other again" which you can safely translate as "yes, but no." So we'll see. At Bar Tabac, there was this band playing swing/jazz. The musicians dressed as 1930s swingers. There was this magic moment when they made this (free) cover of "Bei Mir Bist Du Schon". I love this song and I immediately turned around towards the band, flashing my smile #34 bis and two of the musicians nodded at me like "we understand each other, man." The band plays every Wednesday and I'll go there again soon.

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Lettre ouverte a Charles P., par Shootin' Bear

L’été. Les fenêtres ouvertes laissent entrer l’air du soir encore tiède, et les lueurs et les bruits de la ville.
Allongé, la main dans le futal, je pense: Un jour je t’écrirai mon amour. Il faut que je lui dise. Il faut qu’il sache.
Ce cri doit sortir.
Il faut que tu saches, Charles . . . Charles, c’est beau comme nom. Baudelaire. Bukowski. Dickens.
Et puis il y a lui.
A l’écran bleuté devant moi je soupire: « Et puis il y a toi. »
La main sur le manche.
Pasqua, mon Charles. Comment continuer à me taire quand je voudrais hurler mon amour?
L’excitation monte.
Ses lèvres épaisses. Ses grosses mains de singe.
Il faut qu’il sache.
Il faut qu’il sache que quand il passe à la télé il me rend dingue.
Charles Pasqua. Mon loulou. Viens. Viens parler de l’Europe, de l’insécurité, de la République, des hommes que tu as fait abattre en secret.
Viens à moi. Sur cet écran aveugle.
Il faut que tu comprennes, Loulou, que tu m’excites comme un fou. Regarde. Arrête de regarder cette petite salope de présentatrice et regarde-moi. MOI!
Tu as raison, Loulou: la discipline y a que ça de vrai. Regarde comme je sais bien me tenir au garde-a-vous. Sans les mains!
Ecoute-moi bien, Charles. Chaque fois que tu passes à la télé, il y a quelqu’un quelque part qui rêve d’écarter tes grosses fesses pour que tu puisses toi-même inspecter sa matraque.
Souviens-t’en, mon gros loulou. Souviens-t’en quand tu viendras me parler de l’indépendance de la France, de ton respect pour la République.
D’abord on se fera une petite ligne de coke. Je nous vois déjà. Allongés. Nus. Là.
Et puis je t’enculerai, mon gros nounours.
Je surveille. Je ne rate jamais tes apparitions.
Penses-y. Quand tu es sur un plateau et que tu te passes la langue sur les lèvres.
Ne m’oublie pas.
Mon Pasqua à moi.
Quand tu joues les gros durs à la télé. Quand tu joues à l’homme un peu rustre, un peu animal. Même quand tu poses pour Paris Match, malgré tes fesses poilues, tes narines poilues, tes oreilles poilues, je sais voir la femme qui est en toi.
Avec ton gang de flics corses, et tes soi-disant séparatistes on fera fleurir ton trafic d’armes. Tu seras mon Verlaine, je serai ton Rimbaud. Et mutatis mutandis.
Mon gros lapin.
Mon gros lapin tueur.
Ce sperme chaud qui coule entre mes doigts fermés il est pour toi.
Ce verre d’eau, tu l’as bien mérité.
Tu ranges tes feuilles. Tu bois encore un peu. Tu sais pas trop quoi faire de ce gros corps. Les caméras tournent encore derrière le générique. Les cameras tournent encore et tu le sais.
As-tu déjà vu des éléphants de mer?
On ira les voir ensemble au zoo. Le dimanche.
On ira . . .
On verra . . .
On fera . . .
Te souviens-tu encore de moi?
J’étais à l’un de tes meetings. Tu es venu me trouver. Dans ma ville. Un signe. Je l’ai compris. Ou peut-être déjà savais-tu? Sentais-tu? . . .
J’ai volé une de tes affiches. Deux mètres sur un. Comme a ton habitude tu ne souris pas. Et comme tu as raison de garder toujours cet air si sévère.
Tu as l’air d’une conne quand tu souris.
Mais je t’aime quand même.
Quand tu passes à la télé . . .
Alors je me suis enfermé dans les toilettes du Palais du Congrès de la ville de C... et je me suis branlé sur ton affiche posée à plat par terre.
Et puis j’ai regardé un moment mon sperme couler sur tes lèvres. Et c’est si facile de t’imaginer gourmande. Si facile de voir déjà qu’il me faudra du pouce essuyer la goutte de sperme qui perle à tes lèvres.
Peut-être tes petits trouducs de la comm’ te l’ont dit qu’on avait retrouvé une de tes affiches souillée . . . peut-être pas. Ils sont tellement faux-culs ces petits pédés.
Après, je suis retourné dans la grande salle. Le corps tout tremblant encore. Ta grosse voix tonnant dans les haut-parleurs.
Et puis tu es descendu de l’estrade et tu m’as trouvé. Tu m’as serré la main.
Notre premier rapport. Par procuration, pour ainsi dire.
Tu m’as même souri.

Shooting Bear
New York City, February 2004.
Copyright Shoot That Fucker! Underground Publishing, Inc. 2004.

Monday, December 20, 2004

And in the meantime in NYC...

Il neige! *big smile and sparkling eyes*

Sunday, December 19, 2004

Gauloiseries Malbacquiennes...

Is there a 12-step program to kick a habit to Dunkin Donuts' Boston Kreme?

'Cause I need to sign in.

On the other hand, I realized today that I somehow have not smoked a single cancer-stick since Wednesday. How could this happen? How couldn't I realize it earlier? What the fuck is wrong with me?! Putain, I'm a quitter... a loser... shame... Who said that quitting required Samson's strength? I'm telling you, this world is going Dunhill when you can quit a good ol' addiction by accident! I need to smoke a cigarette, quick! Holy Marlboro, save me! Sainte Gitane! Treve de Gauloiserie. Il est temps on dirait pour une de ces formidables prise de conscience dont j'ai le secret. Should I keep walking this solitary path of a cigarette-free life, like the Camel in the vast emptiness of the Saharian desert? Or is it time to look for a Newport, a haven of fresh air? A place where you never drool or Crave(n) for A cigarette? (Drums roll). No more beating the bush. No more ZigZagging. As Shakespeare used to say when having his 5p.m. tea with the Queen: "O, thou! Cut the Bullshit!" (OCB, this one is far-fetched, I reckon, but I grew up with OCB, so... a tribute is a tribute or what?)

On the one hand, smoking is good. But what if it interferes with my Boston Kreme addiction? Dilemma dilemma....

Make a statement. Develop. Structure. Conclude.

December... It's my favorite month.

To do

Saturday, December 18, 2004

Mickey & Cie


See that tall brown building with art deco sculptures and carvings? That's where my job is. I work for a big company. Think 'Microsoft'. I have this entry level position. But I like working there. We have a huge building in the City. And inside that building, whatever you want you'll find it. We have our own restaurants in there. We have spa and stores and theaters and libraries and bars. We have nice apartments for employees. I'm in one of them, trying to sleep but I can't. I have a surveillance camera in my room so I can check what's going on in the street. Except that it doesn't work well and the image is too dark. So I go downstairs and outside and I take one of the camera-light that is on a pillow set on a cornice. I put it in my room and now I can see what's going on in the street and I sleep well. Except that in the morning I am pissed because the security is yelling on a speaker so I take the pillow with the camera-light on it and, yawning, I put in back on the cornice. The doorman is looking at me. I hear the security guy say, At last, now I see. And in the mist of my sleep I think, That's 'cause now you have light and I don't, moron.

I'm late to a meeting to which the President will attend. Our President is very charismatic. Think 'the Virgin Compagny guy'. There is something strange about him, though. I check the floor where we have this big restaurant where people always eat mussels, and salmon, and caviar, but that's not where the meeting is. Finally, when I find it, it's in another restaurant, the most prestigious one. I should have thought about it. The meeting is already over. My supervisor is pissed. The boss gave me 5 big assignments for tomorrow. I know that the boss gave them to me. But I also have the vague feeling that I'm doing my supervisor's homework here and that he is happy he can keep eating his mussels with that female supervisor from another service while I'm gonna sweat on doing his job.


I'm at a party, drunk. I have this very good friend. Special buddy. We're always together but I cannot find him. When I do, he is even more wasted than I am. We go to another room to find something and there's a whole show going on. It's like the amateur night at the Apollo Theater 125th Street. I cross the scene wasted, give the fist to the black anchorman who is also my buddy. When I reach the other end of the stage I see that there are no exit so I go back, cross the stage again, give the fist and there's my buddy who has been waiting, watching the show his arms crossed. Nodding at our black friend on stage I say, He should be more careful. Today is his day.
My friend is nodding. Shrugs his shoulders like, What can we do about it anyway? And then we return scavenging for drugs.


Aerial view of the company building. I have lost my friend but I can’t remember how. We were at a party, wasted. Did he do too much? I'm flying over the building and everything is as usual. There is this huge monster that looks like several huge mushrooms one on top of the other. There is this ugly, fat green monster with a head that looks like a modern computerized version of Mickey's head. Like I said, nothing unusual. Nobody really likes to look at him because of this Mickey head that is so uncanny. It has nothing special to it. The most notable difference is that it is not black and white but in different shades of gray/green, and the features of his face are much sharper than the original Mickey. But he is scaring the shit out of me, even though I don't want other people and monsters to know it.

And then, there is him. On the roof too. He is on his belly in a very uncomfortable position. He looks like someone who ground and his body and feet more or less vertical against the cornice’s inner wall. He is twitching more and more violently. His body is of a light green and he is wearing nothing except for a king of short. You don't think ‘Hulk’ when you see it. This monster it's the company boss. That's the reason why he is away from his office so often. Not all employees know. Not even to mention our customers or providers. The uncontrollable movements of his body are not good signs. Something bad is going to happen. All of a sudden, the Big Grey/Green Mickey jumps at the Giant Multi-Mushrooms and as they fly in the air he starts tearing it apart fiercely. With the voice of a female employee of the company I know but somehow cannot identify, the Multi-Mushroom is screaming.


I'm black. My buddy is black. We are in a farm. We are dressed like farmers, but we are not. We are criminals. And right now we are busy because we have to get rid of quite a nice bunch of bodies. So instead of acting like rookies and lose time, my buddy and I adopted a more efficient way of processing. Think 'Taylorization'. One drags the body inside the barn, while the other attaches the black plastic bag inside which the body is to the hook of a crane and pulls on the chain to bring it upstairs. All of a sudden, we here a helicopter and my buddy and I we just freeze and I see the pupils of his eyes growing larger and larger. And then we both run to hide in a corner of the house, each one behind a small partition. He the heat stop here, we're good for life. The chair, maybe. The helicopter flies away without even slowing down. We feel relieved. We tease each other. Call each other chicken. And then we notice another black man. We never trusted him. He stares at us and it is obvious that he inds our behavior a little strange and it's not too difficult to guess from what happened that we are criminals. While we discuss what to do with him, we overhear voices. We crack a door open and we see the guy talking to the overseer. We can hear their voices, but not what they say. My buddy asks, Is he rating us out?
Indignantly, I tell myself, How could he do that? I'm pregnant.
Which is true. Even though I'm a man. I'm pregnant. But sometimes it's not my belly's skin that is stretched but the skin between my lower lip and my chin. Even I finds this a little strange. But I like to caress it and then I don't really care if it's normal or not. The stretched skin feels so soft.
And what do I know about that, anwyway? It is the first time I'm pregnant!


The world is fucked up. I’m in the army. If you asked me, I couldn’t tell you how shit started exactly. The world is fucked up and it is a familiar feeling. You know it too. This feeling that you have already been here before. That you have already heard or said that. What they call déjà-vu. I have one of those huge automatic rifles that I check regularly. I hope I won’t have to use it. But if I have to, I want it to work perfectly. I have watched the news on TV to. I know what’s in store for me. God, I hope I won’t have to use it. I’m getting out of a building where I spent the night. It’s the building where everything started. Now the army took control of it, but the Disease has spread everywhere else. It is an old and tall building of brown bricks with a lot of ornamentations, and there are cameras everywhere on the cornices. I shake off my feeling of déjà-vu and keep walking to join my squad. When I arrive there, they are arguing fiercely. The situation is getting worst by the day now. There is this tunnel entry and nobody wants to get in there. Then they notice me and since I’m not only the last one arrived but also late, I am ordered to volunteer myself. Which I do. Wouldn’t you?
They gave me this extra big machine gun so heavy and powerful that I need a system of wheels to carry it. I go in the tunnel. It’s only five minutes since I entered when I meet my first one. It’s a young woman. She moves like they move. She walks towards me. When she sees me, her face pretends to brighten up. She is dead. She is walking towards me, holding a wallet. She says don’t shoot. She says she is the daughter of some very important diplomat. I shoot her in the head as my other hand reaches for her wallet. Inside, behind a plastic film, there’s a little card. It’s the first time I see one like that. The words “United States” and “New York City” look so strange and unfamiliar. As if not weeks but years or decades had passed since the shit hit the fan. Words without meanings. The card is a safe conduct. Some official piece of crap that were issued and given only to important people and their families so that no refuge door would be closed to them. No matter how many people were already in there or had to get out to make room for them. Some people killed to have a card like that. Now, it wasn’t worth anything. Now it was too late. There were no refuges left to hide. Then a whole bunch of people appear and I drop the card and point the machine gun at them but they are still human. They are hysterics. I tell them, It’s OK. I tell them, The exit is right here on the right. But they want to go straight ahead. ‘No! Turn right! Turn right!’ And some of them turn right and that’s when a vague of rats pours in from this direction and bite people and I have to shoot. And people are scared and instead of turning right they run down the hall straight ahead. Heading towards trouble no machine gun can save them from. When I get out, I see the rumbles everywhere. A veil of thin smoke partly hide the Manhattan skyline. I look up and see the red and gold entry gate of the Williamsburg Bridge. I cannot help it and start shouting, I know where we are! I used to live around there! I know where we are!

Friday, December 17, 2004

At the KGB

KGB - December 2004

nUiT bLAnCHe

Sometimes, you just don't want to write in your blog. Sometimes, the purpose of things is just out of reach. Not too far out of reach because there's still memory to remind you what you're supposed to feel. Just tip-of-the-fingers out of reach. That's enough, though.

With Raph around, it took many sleepless nights to complete my application. Some elements are still missing, but I've been told that they can wait. I wrote down my Statement of Purpose and had it edited by Sara who told me that I was writing too much. I cannot write grammatically sound sentences in English that are short as well. I told her so. I can write short sentences, but in a way that university professors don't like. She said there was too much repetition. I said I like repetitions. Two of my favorites writers use them extensively. I managed to cut down my text from 900+ words to 700, and Sara further shortened it to 636 or something. They said "approximately 500." Who can write a structured letter of that importance in 500 words? A mime?!

Overall, Sara said she liked my letter. She wanted to know if the story was true and why I chose to tell it. Actually, I had read about 30 pages of this book about what to write for your application essay. And the two or three contributors I read seemed to agree that the texts they liked most were original, telling a story or funny. Being funny in English is something tricky for a foreigners. Not only because of language. This is even more true when it comes to make a scholar laugh his ass out, so yeah, I can tell a story. And then I realized how short 500 words were.

Sometimes you really don't want to write in your blog and it takes a lot of Tom Waits to get something done.

I had to take a week off to complete my application. I don't know if I still have the job. It is time for me to find a new one anyway. I need money. Otherwise, I don't see how I can stay in the U.S. This job doesn't pay and my boss (who is a subject of Her Majesty which, I came to believe, does not help in our relationship) has the knack to awake these homicidal tendencies of mine. So why hang on to it for so long? Because even a little money is still better than no cash coming in. Or because you can be a loser and still like to avoid failure in all of its forms.

Wednesday night, I took Sara to a steak house near Madison Square Garden to thank her for her 4 a.m. editing skills. I had my first real meal in weeks... probably months. I am so tired of meat here. Chinese food and those tiny little pre-cut pieces of meat. Same everywhere. I was really craving for a piece of real meat. A real fucking steak. With bread. Real bread. Not the mellow stuff you find in supermarket. Bread you can BITE into. The way I see the American nation in 50 years is that of a nation of toothless people. You don't need to use your teeth often enough guys. Watch out or they gonna be obsolete soon. And Nature does not like what is obsolete.

Which brings me to my sexual life. No, I'm kidding guys. C'est pas le genre de la maison. If you want that, just go to the next blog. You'll find plenty of blogs by hookers. It must definitely be has been to be a whore and not have a blog. You know the type. "Yes I am a whore and I like it and I truly believe I am helping the world by relieving tensions." Girls from a well-off background who tend to forget that 90% of the prostitutes did not have a voice in the choosing of their new career. Girls who work off the sidewalk, without a pimp, and for n times the price of the other girls who have been forced into this business.


Got a phone call from L. today. "Your asshole of a boyfriend is still beating you up?
-- No, it's ok now. He's in Briancon with his brother and--
-- So, it's ok only when he is not at punching distance, uh?
-- Er... yeah...
-- Wow... big deal. You gonna dump this piece of shit?
-- Er... no.
-- Let's change the subject, then."


On Tuesday, I went to JFK to see Raph take the plane that would bring him back to France.

Raph, levant la tete pour embrasser l'immensite de Terminal One: Ca te donne pas envie de rentrer?
Moi: Nan. J'ai plutot les boules qu'un type me prenne pour quelqu'un d'autre et me foute de force dans un avion pour la France.

Tuesday, December 14, 2004


No. 3 left.
This is my last sleepless night working on this application. Unless things go really bad with my transcripts. They've been mailed (according to my former university) from France 10 days ago. I don't like the sound of it.
Bah... son cosas de la vida

Monday, December 13, 2004

Et aussi...

Des fois on se sent tellement écrasé par l'impossibilité des obstacles qu'il nous faut pourtant franchir que l'on souhaiterait pouvoir se mettre en boule et dormir. Et oublier. Surtout.

Petits caractères

Et aussi des fois au détour d’une phrase sur un document de Columbia on tombe accidentellement sur un phrase qui dit que : « All documents not issued in English must be accompanied by certified English translations. »

Et alors c’est la panique.

Friday, December 10, 2004


- Winter 2004 -

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

what happens at the KGB stays at the KGB

This has been a long day. It started yesterday (Tuesday). Now, it's 11:43 on Wednesday morning and I am about to get some sleep. At last. Tuesday I went to take the GRE test at 6 pm at One Pen Plaza. This is by far the less glorious test I ever had to take. I don't know how I did, but I ran out of time on the Issue and Argument essays. Which is surprising because if you just pick up anybody at the counter of any bar of the world, they will be able to do this so-called "essays." If you have no idea about what the GRE test is like: to get your application for a graduate school in the U.S. you have to prove that you are able to discuss such a pertinent topics as, "Such nonmainstream fields as fortune telling and astrology are a good thing in that they help some people cope with their issues." Or, "There are twice as many left-handed successful businessmen as there are left-handed people in the general population. Therefore, if you're left-handed, you should go into business, and if you're a right-handed businessman, you should learn from left-handed businessmen." I am not kidding you guys, that really was the essays I had to write. Exciting uh?

Then I went on with the verbal test and then the mathematics. Then there was the extra test that only exists for statisctics purpose and I got verbal again. Which sucked because I had to do my best again. There is no way I can know which of the verbal test will be used for statistics purpose and which one will be my score.

I got 620 on verbal. Not too bad, but no reason to paint it green and have it expose at the Natural History either. (I'm translating literally a French expression here, so for your non-French speaking of you, when I say "it" I don't mean the score. What "it" actually stands for is up to your educated guess.) As far as mathematics is concernet, I scored 490 which sucks but, hey, I use to have 2/20 in high school, so give the man some credits.

Then I met Raph at a Japanese restaurant near St. Mark's book shop. We had two pichet of beer and then, around 1 am we went to the KGB where we had more beer. And then I look at my watch and it tells me it's 9:30 am and I am suppose to work about 7 hours later so I tell Raph that he can keep talking to the lady but I think I had enough and I'm gonna call it a night. And then it's 10 am and the KGB door slams shut behind us and we are in the streets of East Village, me getting some cash from an ATM to get us something to eat, and it's noisy outside and there's so much light and so many people going God knows where to do God knows what.

When we arrived home I called my boss and left a message on the restaurant answering machine, basically saying that I'm just back from a long night that looked like an endless bottle of beer and maybe he should try and find someone to take my shift because letting me talk to customers and handling breakable stuff is not going to be his brightest idea of the month.

And now it's noon and this entry is probably going to look awful tomorrow (not the first one) and need a lot of editing (idem).

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Il est 5 heures ('fin presque 6)

Il est cinq heures et, assis à la fenêtre, je fume une clope en regardant Brooklyn se réveiller.

Monday, December 06, 2004

3 Chairs

Grand Central Station - Summer 2004

Sunday, December 05, 2004


sometimes you call your boss and he tells you you can have your day off and it's your first day off in weeks and it feels so good even though it's not a REAL day off because I have to write an essay and type my old essays on the computer and write letters and tidy my room and study for the GRE test (I take it on Tuesday)

Saturday, December 04, 2004

Par les soirs bleus d'été

So today was Friday. Hmmm. Interesting. And when exactly where you gonna lemme knowdat?

The thing when you work everyday is that after a few weeks you don't give a shit anymore about what the day is. You just get up and shave and shower and iron another shirt as quickly as possible and run after another train and smoke another cigarette on Bleecker St. and then push open the door and start working.

Tonight was good. Not moneywise, though. But the customers were nice and funny and no matter what I still prefer a small tip from an interesting customer to a big tip from an asshole.

And Raph was there too, even though his date lui a posé un lapin. The customers had a birthday party and it was fun and Raph even bought a bottle of wine and sat down with them and the sneaky little bastard even ambushed me so that at one point I just went to the table to bring some more water and everybody clapped and cheered at me, screaming "A POEM" and "ON THE TABLE." And here I am with my bottle of water trying to look like yeah, these kinda things happen everyday and I look at Raph at the end of the biiiiig table and the little punk is looking at me with a little smile on his face and laughing eyes so I fill up everybody's glasses while quickly going over all the poems I might be able to recite without fucking up the rhymes with a missing line and it finally comes down to 2. One by Rimbaud and one by Baudelaire, but I can't remember Baudelaire's last lines and everybody is yelling and clapping and looking at me so I put down the bottle at one end of the table and start Rimbaud's "Sensations" (I'm too sure of the title, though. It goes: Par les soirs bleus d'été, j'irai par les sentiers,/ picoté par les blés, fouler l'herbe menue/ [etc.]). And at the end everybody clapped and cheered even louder and Raph still had that little smile and then I said, OK y'all, I need a cigarette now. And Raph came closer while I was pulling out a cigarette out of my coat and I said, I know I owe you this embarassing moment. And he said that of course I was right.

Friday, December 03, 2004

Brooklyn la nuit

Bed-Stuy, Brooklyn - Fall 2004.

6 am, again. Not sleeping, again.

Today I closed the restaurant before Raph came back from his peregrinations. So I went to Madame X, a bar that is usually his last known address when his favorite waitress at the Vbar is not on duty. I ran into him before I reached Madame X and recognized him only thanks to his orange and kaki cap. Môssieur Raph was busy kissing a girl. It looked like it was going to take some time so I leant against a wall and lit a cigarette. When they deemed that they had exchanged enough bodily fluid for the moment, I made my presence known and was promptly carried into the closest bar where I had a Corona, even though I didn’t really want to drink because I expected to go home early and do some work; but it would have been rude not to, so I had a Corona, introduced myself at great length to Raph’s new conquest and then I smoked another cigarette because these days I must be under the impression that I’m running late in my cancer program and then Raph and Lisa kissed more at the counter while I was reading my book and making the Corona last. The barmaid told me, “Your friend is having more fun than you. You’re reading.” And I said, “Yeah.” Because sometimes “Yeah” just seems to be the most convenient answer in the world and the barmaid said, snapping her fingers, “You know with his French accent he got her just like that.” And I said, “I wish it was that simple.” Opening someone else’s beer, she said that it obviously was. And then Lisa left, too drunk to remember to say goodbye and Raph hailed a cab for her because he is a gentleman and then he returned and we walked to the subway entry.

Later, standing on the platform, waiting for the J train at Canal Street, Raph said that he was supposed to see her at the restaurant where I work and that he hoped she would come. He said, If she doesn’t at least we’ll have a bottle of wine to drink. In between two lines of Hubert Selby, Jr. I told him that, to sum it up, his biggest problem right now was to somehow manage not to make a new girlfriend till 8 pm tomorrow.

It really eats me inside that I can’t share all that with No.2 as Raph made me promise not to. Damn, all those joke opportunities that David and I miss…

I just thought I’d share it with the rest of the world though. After all, all he said was, Don’t tell David

I called Columbia and NYU and it seems that I have solved the problems I encountered so far. The next big step now will be to actually read the "Proof of Funds" sheet and see how I can deal with that. I know I shoulda started with that (and especially the requirements etc. for a scholarship) but it looked so ominous that I thought I would lose all my courage even before starting the application process and maybe it would just as well to just start applying and deal with the problems as they come. For good or ill.

Thursday, December 02, 2004


It's funny. I haven't smoked weed in a long time. We're talking years, here. And now, I'm eating those "special" cookies every day, just because Raph and I have those big sophistic arguments every morning about whose turn it is to walk in the cold to Dunkin Donuts and come back with a 12-donut box. And when I say "morning" it's a figure of speech, really, because I haven't gone to bed before 5 am in weeks, so of course, I ASSUME that there is still such a thing as mornings, but I haven't witnessed any in a long while. I mean, a REAL morning. After a good night sleep etc.
So every morning, I drink Coca-Cola (free advertizing) to get the "cookies" down. Pour une raison que je ne suis pas encore parvenu a eclaircir, Raph refuse catégoriquement de toucher aux cookies. Pourtant, Raph a lui aussi connu une période où un observateur aurait pu se demander si en fait son organisme n'avait pas métabolisé un joint qui lui aurait poussé à la main. Un onzieme doigt. Un organe douteux qui accapare d'ailleurs toute son attention. But who am I to be critical?
Even weirder, is that I maintain. If it wasn't for the taste, I would even wonder if those cookies have anything spacy [sic] to them...

Today's big news is that upon reading my detailed reports on Raph's expedition here, David (aka No.2) officially downgraded me to loser No.3, while Raph jumped to pole position. And I didn't even tell him everything. Raph wants some of the things going on here to stay between us. Like, What happens in NYC stays in NYC.

I still score a zero in productivity. I really havta call NYU tomorrow.