Monday, January 17, 2005

I don't like landlords (but djeeesuus is my man)

But, hey, who does!? Also, I've been specially unlucky with the last three. This month is the first time in years that I'm really late to pay the rent. Everything is fine between them and me at first. And then, after a while it turns sour. I don't even know why. Maybe they feel my contempt for their species. The way vicious dogs smell fear. Or sharks blood. If you really look at it, anybody can be a landlord. It doesn't require you to have any special skills. All you need is a calendar. Maybe being a little more greedy than the average bear helps. What you need to be a landlord is money. It's like buying your position into the church or court back in the days. Back then you could be a pedophile and still be a bishop or a cardinal -- wait, hold on, you still can! And now, you don't even have to pay your way in! Wow, no, really, mankind is improving... This relation between pedophilia and men of church (any church), it's not unlike the chicken and the egg thing... If you want my opinion (and if you don't, you can just click on the NEXT BLOG button on the top right corner of your screen, you never know, you might go to Hell just for reading this) I think that these things are unfortunately bound to happen when you put someone on a strict sex diet, have them read the same book filled with really wicked stories over and over, and then put them in a position of power with all those children who just want to be nice and not go to Hell. It's like asking for it.

Yesterday I was reading on the train when those two guys come in and one of them starts yelling. He yells, Good afternoon everybody ,my friend here has a very important thing to say so please listen.
I look up. Two white guys in their twenties wearing streetwear. The small guy, the one with an important message, he yells even louder, The Church is lying to you. He says the Church is brainwashing you. The guys at the back of the next car, they would be able to hear him if he would just yell a little louder. He says that you don't need to go to Church to be at peace with Jesus (pronounce djeeesuus). The kid in streetwear, he says that he has found djeeesuus.

At this point, I'm almost happy that his speech prevents me from reading my book in PEACE. Because there's always these strange people in the cars I'm in who seem to have nothing else to do with their lives than do some wild preaching to poor people stuck in overcrowded cars after a long day's work. Reading the Bible so loud that even reading the sport section of the New York Post requires some strong neurons. So, I was scanning the car, hoping for some freak to jump with his/her Good Book in hand and kung-fu fight this white prick. Nothing of the sort happened naturally. You never find a bigot when you really need one.

The kid he yells that he used to be a bad person. From which I assumed he was alluding to drugs. He says, I used to do drugs. (No merit, it was an easy guess.) Walking back and forth in the car, he says, I used to do Marijuana, ecstasy, heroin, acid...

But the guy was lucky. One day, he challenged djeeesus to help him if He wanted to really be up to His game and save this guy from the evil of drugs. And then, the young man felt djeeesuus in his heart. AND HE QUIT DRUGS!

Wow.... my opinion, he had a flashback of ace, that's all. I know a lot of acid heads who've meet djeeesuus personally, I'm not kidding. Punkers, ravers, after doing too much acid, they will tell you what djeeesuus looks like and how cool he is. That, or they'll explain to you that they had to tear down the wall because their wallpaper was fucking up with their mind. Djeeesuus, he doesn't appear to virgins or "pure" people anymore. He must think wasted people are much more fun to hang out with.

But I digress as usual (like Byron loved to say), I had to get off before I could hear the end of the guy's story. I still think there's a very good 50% chance he asked them for change at the end of his speech. And maybe just so he would stop yelling like that they gave him some. Or maybe there's a new Church -- again...


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