Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Messieurs les Anglais

First off, I have some friends in Great Britain. I've never been there myself, but what I'm talking about here is not the English people, but the British government and its policy.

If you go to Paris or any of the big cities of France for that matter, you'll see that public trash are clear plastic bags attached to a metallic rim. It has not always been like that.

If you go to a train or subway stations in any French cities, you're very likely to witness military patrols walking or standing with a finger on the trigger of a
FAMAS. It has not always been like that.

I remember when bombs were exploding in the middle of markets in Paris. I remember when the towers of the WTC collapsed. Mollahs living in London were preaching their cheap ass Islam in the open. These old farts asking young people to kill themselves for Allah's glory or shit. I remember when a suspect in the Paris bombings hid in England and the British refused to extradite him to French authorities on the account that, being a terrorist, he was facing risks of torture.

The thing about using clear plastic bags for public trash is that they cannot be used to hide a bomb.

Then came 9/11. And extremist mollahs were still openly preaching the destruction of the Western civilization in the British parks and mosques. Later, the British government decided (against the opinion of majority of its people) to follow Bush in its war in Iraq. And, well, by then, the British government started to do something about the extremists that had found protection in the UK, because it probably didn't look good to host terrorists when you claim to be the United States best friend.

I understand that British people are shocked. As long as their government let those bastards preach freely, and protected them from the justice of other countries there was no terrorist attacks in England by Muslims, even though they have a huge Muslim communities over there. It sounds like some kind of deal. I can fancy the MI5 saying: "OK, you can say whatever you want, your freedom of speech will be protected, you can find a refuge here when you are being hunted down by other countries because of acts of terrorism, and in exchange no Gaza Strip bullshit in the streets of London."

In the meantime, France was being the target of the retarded editors of FOX & Cie for being anti-American. Since the mid-1990s we have never stopped tracking down terrorists in OUR country (France.) And as the New York Times wrote it the day after the attacks in London: "One of the greatest terrorist threats to the United States emanates not from domestic sleeper cells or, as is popularly imagined, from the graduates of Middle Eastern madrassas, but from some of the citizens of its closest ally, Britain."

So now that the British government is no longer protecting extremists they are just as likely to be the victim of terrorist attacks as any other Western country, as the recent days events showed.


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