Thursday, June 16, 2005

missed encouter

Really too busy to update this thing.

Today, I had a big surprise, though. My brother's girlfriend was supposed to arrive tomorrow, but when I came back home tonight after work, she was waiting for me.

The thing is, last year, when she came to visit, we were supposed to meet at Port Authority but we didn't have the time to agree on any specific meeting spot beforehand so it took me two hours to find her.

This time I fucked up. I somehow got all the dates wrong and there was not a hint of a doubt in my mind that she was coming the next day.

Last time, the Port Authority time, after we laughed a lot and were happy to see each other again, I had told her that by coming to New York she was entering my jurisdiction, that she was my little brother's girlfriend and thus I was responsible for anything that could happen to her and that I would die from exhaustion before I stopped looking for her.

So, of course, today, she waited for me for FOUR HOURS at Newark, having the staff there calling my name over the speakers, because she was so sure that I was looking for her.

I'm not too proud of me on that one. But still, I didn't know her flight number or even what company she was flying on. So even if I had known that I was wrong with the date, there was really little I could have done to find her in Newark.


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