Monday, October 18, 2004

sEx aNd ViOleNcE

Well, I thought I'd attract more readers with a title like that. You better read me guys. Don't make me post naked pictures of myself. I'm warning you. It's for your own good.

The title's actually from an old song by The Exploited. Which reminds me for some reason that Leonard Cohen finally pulled his fingers out of his ass and his about to release a new album very soon. I love this guy and I have tons of respect and admiration for his music but also the man, but hey, come on, 2 albums (including the one which will come out soon) in more than 10 years. All I hope now is that, flushed with success, he will realize that maybe it could be fun to go on tour. Even an antisocial prick like Bob Dylan is on tour. Why not you, Lennie? You live. Then you die. I know you are a Buddhist now (could have been worst after the life you lived, you could have turned a die-hard Christian, Muslim, or even a fucking Scientist), but still, what the fuck you been doing in your retreat making tea for your spiritual teacher or something at 4 in the morning? You're an artist. And you're not eternal. And I wanna see you on stage before you kick the bucket, old man -- or before I do. And it's you I want to see. Not your next incarnation.

I'm just back from a job interview. You know you start to get Americanized when getting two jobs to pay the rent seems like a normal thing to do.

Anyway, I'm running outta time now. Been there, done that. The title of this post was not innocent. I wanted to say something totally different before I got carried away by one of my multiple personalities. But I'm so late now that it'll have to wait.


Blogger Cheinara said...

I'm excited about the job, and I'm sure my first day will be fine, seeing as how it'll be training. I hope to god I mess up someone holiday pictures. ;) It would be...interesting to see what a good Christian family would do if they found porn in their holiday photos.

As for two jobs, I've got another interview soon for the local library. Seeing as how both jobs are part time, I should be able to fit both. Photography and books. How can I go wrong?

3:08 PM  

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