Wednesday, November 10, 2004


Daaamn, the City is so cold. And it will be probably even colder in the coming weeks.
So I'm ill, of course. Why not? Still working though. My week started on Monday (Nov. 1) and I've worked everyday since and since Saturday, I am doing brunch/lunch as well as dinner. 12+ hours a day. So, yeah, leave a door open for five minutes and not surprisingly I'll get any stupid disease I can find. This "week" will finally end on Sunday night.
Had a very strange dream last night. The fever probably has something to do with it.
Francois Mitterand (former President of France from 1981 to 1995, now dead) was in an early 20th century uniform, riding a white horse. It was a ceremony in his honor. Maybe for his reelection. You can tell he his proud of being able to ride in spite of his old age. I think I am watching the ceremony on TV. And I keep thinking that this is a very bad idea. He looks too old and skinny to be on a horse. Then Mitterand moves his horse and he has to go down a huge stairway. To my surprise, he doesn't dismount and the horse resists and sends him flying in the air and the President lands on the steps of the stair, breaking every bones in his body as he keeps rolling down in the most grotesque and yet terrifying manner.
He dies, of course. I don't know why, but this is the first dream in months that I can remember.


Blogger mar said...

maybe someone is stealing your dreams, i know it sounds stupid but i like the concept haha, sometimes i think that i am my own greatest stealer!


5:51 PM  

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