Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Polar bears in the City (shit, I had a better title but I just can't remember it...)

It happens again. So I reach over to the little table and grab a couple of Lexomil that I swallow down with a coke and wait for the little white pills to work for me.

Last night I dreamt that the Immigration was after me. It's ridiculous. I have a visa. Not the one I had dreamed of, but this one will have to make do. There's no one out there to get me. Except in my dream. And because I'm reading again CAUGHT STEALING the nightmare was getting more bloody and crazy by the minute. Like a John Woo movie - before he came to Hollywood - but with even more action.

I woke up with the feeling that it was representative of the dreams I'm having these days - except that I usually don't remember them.

I wish it was cold outside and warm here, inside. I wish it was winter. But it's warm outside - and cool here, thanks to the new A/C. I'm not a big A/C fan. It kills polar bears. I love polar bears. We have a lot in common. Like Coca-Cola for instance. I only turn the A/C on once in a while, trying not to get to dependent on it. But still, I'm killing polar bears and probably plenty more of animal species I've never even heard of. The only thing I can say to my defense is that if polar bears were to spend the summer in NYC, they'd be the first ones to run it full blast all day long.


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